Tom Selleck is a rarity in Hollywood. He was seen as a sex symbol for decades, but there is a lot more to him than a pretty face and a well-groomed mustache. The “Magnum, P.I.” star is a proud Christian.

After graduating from college, Selleck did some commercial work and had an acting contract with Fox. He put that acting career on hold when he was drafted into the Army in 1967. When he left the Army in 1973, he returned to Fox only to be told they didn’t hold his contract for him while he was serving our country!

Selleck obviously continued pursuing his passion, and eventually landed his big break. But, he credits it all to Jesus. “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time,” Selleck said.

Tom says his faith has kept him grounded in a Hollywood culture that highlights and focuses on immediate gratification. “I try very hard to conduct myself in an ethical way because that’s important to my stability now. We’re a culture that’s so centered on the individual,” Selleck stated. “The culture says that basically nothing is more important than the way you feel. We’re living in an age that celebrates unchecked impulses.”

What a refreshing thing to hear from someone who has had a successful career in Hollywood! He didn’t let that culture taint his character!

Tom is famous for his mustache and the ladies love it! It helped to define his heartthrob status from the 80’s in “Magnum P.I.” to modern-day “Blue Bloods.” But, before any of that, Tom’s debut commercial show a clean-shaven Selleck. You have to see this! Check it out in the video below:

I didn’t recognize him. Did you? That mustache really changes his looks! No matter how he looks, it’s great to know that Tom Selleck is such a grounded man who is strong in his principles and proud of his Christian faith!

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