Incredible moment man carries his former rugby teammate over the finish line at Leeds marathon

Former rugby player Kevin Sinfield was captured carrying his friend over the finish line for the Leeds Marathon.

The defence coach for the England national team was spotted carrying former teammate Rob Burrow after pushing him for the 26.2-mile (42.1 km) marathon in a specially adapted wheelchair.

However, once the two were within steps of the finish line, Sinfield lifted Burrow and carried him over to complete the race as the crowd cheered on.

Many reacted to the heartfelt moment, as one fan wrote: “This is beautiful, so much love, brothers in arms.”
Another said: “Such an inspirational man! Two of my favourite players growing up. Surely he gets a knighthood at some point?!”

needs a friend like Kevin Sinfield. What an absolute hero! Doing Leeds proud.”

Burrow spent his entire 16-year professional career with Leeds Rhinos in the Super League but retired in 2017 and was diagnosed with motor neurone disease (MND).

Two years later, he received an MBE for raising money and awareness of the condition.

Sinfield revealed that the team’s fundraising efforts for the inaugural Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon had raised over £3 million (AUD $5.6 million) for numerous charities.

Sinfield began raising money shortly after his friend was diagnosed.

In 2020, he ran seven marathons in a week, which ended up raising millions.

The coach told The Guardian before the Leeds Marathon that while his efforts will raise even more funds, he looks forward to spending more time with Burrow while pushing him on track.

Credit: PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo
“It’s the time together I’m looking forward to,” he told the outlet.

“We had some really funny moments during the Leeds 10k when we did a trial run in anticipation for this and while it’s difficult for him to communicate, I know when he’s laughing, and you can see it. We’ll have some fun, I promise you that.”

Sinfield admitted his notable cause initially began as a ‘mate running for another mate’; however, it has now evolved into something bigger.

“The money is great but most importantly, it provides hope,” Sinfield said.

“People have been left alone with MND in the past, ashamed to come out of their homes. Now, they can live their lives and have hope that there could be drugs that can slow this down, and one day there will be a cure.

“The money raised gives guys far smarter than me a chance to do their job. We now have a fighting chance at a cure because of the efforts of everyone.”

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