Sanctuary City Mayor Complains About Biden Border Policies

How are things going for New York City, a sanctuary city, as the Biden border crisis continues and it has to handle an ever-growing number of illegal…

The popular actor is celebrating birthday today! 🎂

Happy Birthday Ted Danson! The popular actor is celebrating his 76th birthday today! 🎂 Happy Birthday Ted Danson! The popular actor is celebrating his 76th birthday today!…


Student: “What do you have to say to the trans students on this campus who feel actively victimized by your presence here?” Candace Owens: “Life’s tough. Get…

How To Use Baking Soda to Kill Pests – COCKROACHES, BEDBUGS, ANTS, MICE

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, can be used as a natural pest control method for various pests. However, its effectiveness depends on the specific pest and the…

Doctors give up hope and want to turn of respirator – but his partner make a life-changing decision

When you marry, you promise to love your partner in sickness and in health. Over the years, divorce among couples has become increasingly common — but 22-year-old…

“O m’kapi plumbi, ka qenë i mbuluar në gjak, gjall o kon… Patëm me ju vra tonve” / Dëshmia e vëllaut të 23 vjeçarit që u vra

I dĂ«mtuari Hoxha, nĂ« cilĂ«sinĂ« e dĂ«shmitarit, rrĂ«feu ditĂ«n kritike se si kishin bĂ«rĂ« plan me familje tĂ« darkonin sĂ« bashku natĂ«n e madhe tĂ« Ramazanit. Pas…

Jam njĂ« myslimane me shami qĂ« ka vizituar kisha katolike dhe ende s’ka shkuar nĂ«…

Destinacionet e pushimeve verore nuk janĂ« vetĂ«m pĂ«r t’u çlodhur, por edhe pĂ«r tĂ« mĂ«suar mbi kultura tĂ« ndryshme. Juristet Kiti Shabanaj dhe Suela Lala tregojnĂ« pĂ«r…

Plane per fundjave, ja cfare MOTI pritet te shtunen dhe te dielen sipas SHMU

Fundjava sipas parashikimeve te SHMU, pritet tĂ« jetĂ« nĂ« ndikim tĂ« kushteve atmosferike tĂ« qendrueshme. Moti parashikohet tĂ« jetĂ« mĂ« alternime vranĂ«sirash si dhe intervale kthjellimesh NĂ«…

Pronari shqiptar ben gjestin e madh, dhuron 1 milion euro për punonjësit: Kanë sakrifikuar gjithçka për kompaninë, do të marrin deri në 10 milionë euro..

Qendrim Kryeziu Ă«shtĂ« drejtori ekzekutiv dhe pronari i ISP Broadcast nĂ« KosovĂ«. Ai i ka befasuar tĂ« gjithĂ« me gjestin e fundit qĂ« ka bĂ«rĂ« pĂ«r festĂ«n…

Ndryshon Moti gjate nderrimit te viteve, sinoptikanja jep parashikimin e fundit per ditet ne vijim.

Kushtet atmosferike tĂ« mbylljes sĂ« vitit 2023 nuk do tĂ« jenĂ« tĂ« njĂ«jta me ato tĂ« nisjes sĂ« vitit 2024. NĂ« njĂ« lidhje direkte pĂ«r Klan News,…