Meet Real-Life Pinocchio Whose Brain Is Growing Inside His Nose!

You will be shocked to know that this baby was born with his brain inside his nose!

You will be shocked to know that this baby was born with his brain inside his nose! Yes, since there was no proper skull formation, Ollie Trezise from Wales was born with the brain growing inside his nose. He is called as the real-life Pinocchio by his mother. There was a crack in the skull resulting in this peculiar kind of growth.

The 21-month-old baby was then subjected to many operations in order to help him to breathe properly through his nose and also to correct the crack that had developed in the skull.

Although initially the mother was hesitant to let the baby undergo any kind of operation at such a tender age, but he was at the risk of many infections and diseases. So the mother agreed for the operation, which went successfully.

The baby is now healthy after the operation, even though doctors have agreed to see the growth and development of the skull and the brain fluids later on when he grew up. (ALSO READ: Miracle! When 2-year-old baby without brain said ‘Mummy’ for first time on his birthday)

The mother of the child has confided that since the birth the baby has been subjected to hate and criticism by people calling him ugly and many other hurtful things. The mother was left heartbroken looking at other people’s reaction.

To the mother Ollie was the real life adorable Pinocchio. She is now ready to spread awareness about this condition called encephalocele. It is caused by a defect that causes the brain to grow through a crack in the skull, which creates a protruding sac just like in the case of Ollie Trezise.

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