What does it mean to have excess fat in your body?

People try to avoid fat their whole life and see it as an unwelcome addition to our bodies. But fat isn’t a bad word. In fact, it’s incredibly important for our bodies and plays a significant role. Fat tissue influences insulin sensitivity and releases hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism. Despite this, consuming too many calories can cause fat cells to expand and multiply, leading to chronic inflammation and an unhealthy metabolism. Here are all the little-known secrets about fat and what it can tell you about your health.

Why body fat is important

Body fat is actually healthy, and here’s why: Not only does it release hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism, but fat also affects insulin sensitivity. Although you might not like the appearance of it on your thighs and bellies, fat tissue houses immune cells that affect inflammation and potentially soothe it.

That being said, it can also cause inflammation if too much fat is consumed. Eating too many calories can produce an excess of fat cells, which leads to chronic inflammation and disturbs a healthy metabolism. That’s why maintaining a balanced diet is key. Here are all the different types of fat and what it says about your body.

Belly fat, otherwise known as visceral fat, is one of the most common types of body fat. It’s internal and is packed around our body’s vital organs, but it starts to become visible when you eat an excess of calories and don’t exercise enough. Too much belly fat can mean a hormonal imbalance or a low metabolism.

Women’s bodies change as they age because the body changes where it stores fat over time. Post-menopause, muscles naturally dwindle, and fat increases. Because of this, additional fat may be stored around the abdominal area. Even if a woman doesn’t gain extra weight anywhere else, visceral fat in the tummy area is quite common.

If you’ve noticed that fat is starting to collect in your upper arms disproportionately (the not-so-nice slang term is often “bingo wings”), hormones may be the culprit. Hormone medications or any other reason for fluctuating hormone levels can lead to increased fat production in the upper arms. Women develop arm fat more commonly than men do, especially menopausal women who experience a drop in testosterone.

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