Doctors give up hope and want to turn of respirator – but his partner make a life-changing decision

When you marry, you promise to love your partner in sickness and in health.

Over the years, divorce among couples has become increasingly common — but 22-year-old Matt Davis and his wife Danielle have certainly defied the odds.

I had thought that love at first sight only happens in the movies, but Matt and Danielle are proof that it can occur in real life too. As per reports, the young couple had only known each other for eight weeks when they tied the knot!

They loved each other above all else, and could not wait to start planning their future together. Unfortunately, fate had other ideas.

Just seven months after they were married, Matt fell into a coma. Everything changed one hot, summer day when Matt was involved in a bad accident.

After doing all they could, doctors wanted to turn off his respirator, but then Danielle did something that produced a miracle…

When the hospital sent him home, Danielle moved back into her mother’s house and they both helped care for her husband, where he remained in a coma for three months. (Credit: Danielle Davis/GoFundMe)

It was a terrible motorcycle accident that put Matt in hospital.

Doctors found that the 22-year-old had broken several bones, injured internal organs, and had a traumatic brain injury.

At the hospital, Danielle was told the words no one should ever have to hear: “Your husband will probably not wake up”.

After lots of discussion and tests, doctors advised Daniel Matt’s life-sustaining treatment should be stopped. They were convinced that there was nothing else to be done.

But Danielle refused to give up hope.

“We didn’t really even have a chance to start our life together, and I didn’t want to give up,” said Danielle.

Danielle decided to bring Matt home and take care of him 24 hours a day. She gave up everything — just to take care of her husband.

Her refusal to give up hope would eventually be rewarded.

After 3 months in a coma, the impossible happened: Matt opened his eyes!

Danielle realized that he was trying to say something, but he couldn’t get the words out.

She kept asking him and suddenly she heard his husband burst out: “I’m trying!”

Danielle couldn’t believe it: “It was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard!”

But the journey back to a normal life was far from easy.

Matt fought every day to get better, step by step. He had to re-learn everything from the beginning, even talking, standing, and walking

He still has trouble remembering things before the accident.

His relationship with Danielle, their wedding — everything was gone.

But Matt is 100 percent sure: “I’m glad I married Danielle!”. Without her unconditional love, he wouldn’t be alive today.

Today, Matt is feeling better and can live a normal life. He can walk, talk, and ride a bike — he even does yoga. Fantastic!

Daniel’s struggle for her husband’s life led to a miracle. Although the doctors had given up hope, Matt was fighting his own battle to come out of the coma.

Their story shows that true love can accomplish anything!

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